Friday, August 21, 2009

hair cuts!

so we all finally got our hair cut. this isn't the best picture of the kids of course but it was at least right after it was done. Gabe-we actually cut last weekend. I have more fun pictures of him to come. Mom, this is especially for you to see what I did to my hair. I like it because it is a little different than I had it as an A-line, but of course I can't make it look quite like my hair dresser did. It is still fun though!


Kate Chartrand said...

I love your hair! Has it really been ten years since I last saw you? You look the same! Your kids are so adorable.

maryirene said...

it looks great! how cool that you did all the haircuts.

Kristi said...

yes that is exactly what I was envisioning when we were talking about what to do different with your hair. Love it! I love your kids haircuts too! What a beautiful family