Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Snow fun in Georgia

Here is Aiselyn the morning after our snowfall. This apparently is what she deems warm. She has no socks on and her crocs. Granted she did listen to change into her tennis shoes later. She kept going out to walk around in the snow making footprints throughout the day and that is saying a lot for my children. For some reason they don't care to spend that much time outside. She spent a lot of the day out there...so less stress for me!

This is our first snowman....a whole whopping six inches tall. This was at the beginning of the snowfall right after church so there wasn't that much snow yet, but we had no idea we were going to get as much snow as we did.

This is the second snowman that Tommy threw together for some reason with the shovel on our back porch/deck. It is special. Both of these snowmen only took about three minutes or less to build. but we got maybe four inches on snow at our house and that is amazing for Georgia, right. I can't say I love it, but it does bring back some memories of living elsewhere. It is cold though!

Here is a picture of our house on Monday morning after the snowfall on Sunday. It does look very pretty I do have to give snow that much credit.

This is a video of "our" snowball fight. The girls were having fun with their daddy!

Here is a video of us making our first and quick dinky, little snowman!

I am glad for the girls' sake that we got some snow since Aiselyn has been asking for some all winter long, but I am also glad it is just about all melted. It was fun while it lasted, but I am more looking forward to the 70's by the end of the week!