Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Washington D.C.

Here is the only Halloween picture I have so far. We all dressed up for our fall festival halloween party for our branch only I forgot our camera and have still yet to get them from our friends. But, here is Aiselyn at least in her Dorothy outfit. Abby was too tired from trekking D.C. all day and didn't feel like going to the halloween party at the nature center in MD.

Here is a picture Tommy took of the Korean War Memorial. This means a lot to Tommy especially because his grandfather (Grandpa Pinkard) fought in this war. Isn't a really pretty picture?

the Krebs family with my best friends the allen family who came down from NY to sight see D.C. with us. There is Jeffrey, Elliot, MaryIrene, Sam, Tommy, Abby, Gabe (in the carseat), me, and Aiselyn. Those kids did such a great job with all that walking. I know that my girls have never done anything like this before so I am extremely proud of them.

Here we all are during our sight seeing hours. Gabe did amazingly well being bundled all day in his little wrap strapped to his dear old mom for two days!

Oh, the life of city squirels. I guess I can't deny the craving for Dorito chips!

Aiselyn and Abby in front of the Lincoln Memorial. They sure look small compared to that big man.

and we're not too much bigger!

Tommy took this picture early one morning. He and Jeffrey woke up early and caught the sunrise on the buildings. This one is of the Washington Memorial for those who might not know what this is. I think he did a bang up job...don't you?

The thinking bunny? Pretty interesting sculpture. I think it looks pretty cool with the sun hidden behind it and the bright blue sky.

we had so much fun that weekend spending time with the Allens and of course Tommy's family too. It was the best vacation we've had in a really long time. I love seeing old friends especially when it has been like 4 years since we have last seen each other yet there was absolutely no awkwardness at all. What I mean is that it didn't seem like even a day had passed since we were last together. I love you guys!

1 comment:

maryirene said...

love you too! let's do it again in the spring!