Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So today is Tommy and my anniversary. We have been married for 9 years! I can't believe it has been that long. It's kind of a weird day because we both have scouts tonight and won't be together till probably around 9 or 9:30 tonight but I love him and I'm so glad that the Lord let us meet and make three beautiful kids together. So here's to another 9 and many, many more!!!!


Anja said...

Happy Anniversary!!

John and Jamie said...

Happy Anniversary. Sorry you had to spend the night with us and not you honey. hope we were entertaining,

maryirene said...

9 years! woohoo! way to go guys. so glad i've known you for a lot of that time.

Kristi said...

Yea, 9 years! I remember back in early marriage-when that seemed like a really long time... it sure goes by quickly. Do something really fun next year for your 10th!