So we got to stay home for Christmas this year. It was the first time ever and it was a lot of fun. We kind of started some traditions or did a couple that we have grown up with or wanted to start. Hopefully next year if we stay home again, we will be able to do more or plan better at least. Here is our pathetic tree. The top broke completely last year I think. We have been using twist ties and pencils to hold up our star in the past. This year I tried a bow and it still didn't really work. We had a wonderful Christmas starting with a video from Aiselyn down at the bottom. Then we had a big breakfast and waited for Gabe to wake up to open presents. We didn't get around to opening presents till like 10 or 10:30 or maybe that is when we finished. I don't remember. I just remember the 10:30 part and thinking that was pretty good.

Aiselyn and Abby are holding up their little Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty dolls that they got in their stockings. They have loved these little dolls/figurine things.

Here I am passing out the presents. We each take turns opening one present at a time so that everyone can see what the others open. We really enjoy that!

Here is some of the terror. I have most of everything cleaned up and some put away but not much. The kitty found solace in Gabe's train box. He always likes curling up in boxes, stools, plastic grocery bags and other odd places.

The girls are playing with Gabe on his train. They all love this riding toy! Thank you Grandma Pinkard! The girls also got scooters and they thank you for those as well.

Later, or actually I think it is the next morning or something but anyway, Abby is looking at the computer with Daddy and Chloe, our dog, is very relaxed in an odd contorted way! I thought it was an interesting picture! This puppy enjoys laying around and snoozing!

And here is the kitty resting and snoozing. He as deemed under the tree "his" spot. The velvet tree skirt bore witness to it. It was covered in kitty fur...and it wasn't all that easy to get off, but he loved sleeping there so I let him. He also enjoys curving his body around and upside down and every which way he can. He is an odd cat, but very friendly so who can complain I guess!

Here the kids are in their Christmas outfits. Aren't they adorable?!

Here are some cute videos of Aiselyn on Christmas morning and of Gabe riding his train. This video of Aiselyn doesn't do justice. She came in soooo excited about all the presents so I had her say it again for the video but her reaction isn't nearly what it was. Oh well!